


Crippled in Laos
In this episode, Joanne Peh travels to Laos, one of the most underdeveloped countries in Asia, to explore the plight of physically disabled women. Degenerated by decades of war and limited by both prevalent poverty and the almost non-existent health services, living conditions for women with physical impairment here are poor. A Laotian NGO activist, who co-founded an empowerment centre for disabled female compatriots, shares invaluable lessons from the mission to provide education and vocational training to these underprivileged members of society. The stories about how education builds up their confidence, creates job opportunities for them and endows them with independence are food for serious thought. Education, often taken for granted by us in developed countries, plays a crucial role in an impoverished country like Laos, especially for this minority group. It changes the lives of the seemingly hopeless, as well as their own perspective towards themselves and their future.

位于寮国,Lao Disabled Women’s Development Center (LDWDC) 于2002年由几位残障妇女联手成立的非营利机构,专门为残障妇女提供工作机会、培训技能以便让她们能够自立更生。中心的管理层、会员,从上到下,都是残疾人士。

The Lao Disabled Women's Development Center was established in 2002 to provide disabled women in Laos with the support, knowledge and skills they need to be self-sufficient, productive members of the community.




听到故事中的盲妇唱歌,心里着实感动。唱歌的时候,她变成了一个拥有听众的艺术家,正跟我们分享她的天赋,一项她在一无所有之后仍坚持保有的能力和资产 —— 歌唱的快乐! 柔和优美的歌声里,流露出她的沧桑,也道尽了自古以来所有曾经在欢乐中、在黑暗里或在绝望时仍歌颂上苍的心声。

一直脸带笑容的盲妇,或者因为有歌声和儿女的陪伴,即使一贫如洗,她仍能享受生命的欢乐。 那天,虽然只是数小时的接触,但却带给我们很大的震撼!(完)


1 comment:

H-Cave eStore said...

Recently saw a repeat telecast of "仁心侠旅The Activist's Journey", I think in esp 3 Joanne went to a NGO for disable women in Lao.
May I know the one Joanne went to is it the one listed below?

Thank you.

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